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Is South Facing House Unlucky

Since Vastu Shastra is an in depth science of architecture, there are many myths are prevailing associated with this. one among the foremost rumored myths is that South facing home brings adversity and is inauspicious. This myth is so popular that folks feel frightened of buying or constructing a house or office in south facing direction.

Is South Facing House Unlucky, best astrologer in Indore

South facing house can be lucky

In Vastu Shastra, there’s no such norm present associated with South facing house. it’s half knowledge of the many pseudo Vastu experts. there’s no such auspicious or inauspicious direction in Vastu. It totally depends on the date for the birth of a private . consistent with Astrologer sahu ji, there are four favourable and 4 unfavorable directions for every individual. These directions decided by the date of birth of the owner of the house. With the assistance of favourable direction, one can allow a free flow of energy within the house or office. this manner one also can balance the cosmic energy around us and convey positive effects within the house.

Three principles of Astrology Sahu ji explains connecting, balancing and channelizing cosmic energy through direction, structure and chakras. By these three rules, one can attain desirable results through balanced energy.

Astrologer sahu ji says that if the south facing house is made Vastu friendly, then people living in such house get more fame and respect as compared to other directions. The lifetime of the people living in such houses is opulent and prosperous. There are often few Vastu tips to follow for South facing house:

The main door of the house should be within the southeast corner. There shouldn’t be southwest main door in south facing house.

Should leave more open space in north than south and in east direction than west.

Take care of any sort of underground tank like water tank, boring, well, etc. with the compound wall only between north direction, north east, east north and east direction. Build septic tanks in north or east direction only.

South facing house can also be good, BEST ASTROLOGER IN INDORE

The northeast angle shouldn’t be truncated, round, high and therefore the south east angle shouldn’t be enlarged or lowered in any way.

The floor of any a part of the building shouldn’t be low. If you would like to offer a touch slope for cleanliness, then you’ll slope towards north, east direction or north east.

Similarly, the slope of the open a part of the plot should even be towards the north, east direction and north east in order that the rain water comes out only through the northeast.

If the system isn’t possible within the north or east direction, then in such a situation, make a drain from the side of the plot with the compound wall out towards the east ignition or drain out from the north east by draining it.

If the south-facing home is constructed following these rules of Vastu, then such houses prove lucky for the residents and attract happy and joyful life

If you want to show your horoscope, contact us for appointment:
Astrologer Sahu Ji
(best astrologer and vastu consultant)
Contact: 9039636706 | 8656979221
428, 4th Floor, Orbit Mall, Vijay Nagar, Indore

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