In terms of Astrology, planets play a really important role in shaping the life of a private. the location of planets in our Horoscope somehow affects over lives and also determines our future prospective. In fact, the entire scenario of our life depends on the location of planets. If a planet is well placed in our Horoscope, the results are going to be positive. On the opposite hand, if a planet is weak or badly placed, it’ll affect our lives in a negative way.
Remedies for all 9 planet

According to Vedic Astrology, when the earth is positioned well within the birth chart of an individual, it’s called an honest planet or Benefic Planet. While badly positioned planets are called Malefic. Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus are considered as Benefic Planets. While Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu are inauspicious planets.
– planets are placed in certain bad houses like 6th, 8th, 12th, which also gives negative results.
So, during this article, we are getting to discuss some Astrological remedies by which you’ll overcome the bad planetary effects in your Horoscope.
Remedies For Sun

The mighty Sun is that the significator of our Soul. it’s often called the King of all the planets. The bad placement of Sun within the birth chart of an individual leads to laziness, general body pain, saliva secretion, and problems in getting a government job. the simplest remedies to form your Sun strong are:
Offer Surya Namaskar every morning, it helps to please the might Sun
Always start your day by eating something sweet and beverage
Immerse Jaggery and wheat within the flowing a minimum of once during a week
Avoid the intake of salt especially on Sundays
Wearing Ruby Gemstone is very recommended
Worship Lord Vishnu
Remedies For Moon

Moon is that the planet of the mind and emotions. it’s liable for all the mood changes during a person. However, the bad placement of the Moon leads to mental disease, mood swings, lack of interest in doing anything, problems crazy life, quarrel among relations. the simplest remedies to urge obviate bad planetary effects of Moon are:
Maintain good relationships with relations especially your mother i.e never do anything against her wish
Consuming Milk in silver utensils helps to urge obviate the bad effects of Moon
Worship Lord Shiva and Lord Ganesha
Always wear white clothes on Mondays
Wearing Pearl Gemstone is very beneficial
Keep a glass filled with water near your head in the dark during sleep.

The hotdog Mars is that the planet of energy and bravado. it’s often called Commander-In-Chief of the celestial bodies. Malefic Mars can produce knee pain, improper circulation of blood, dark circles around eyes, irregular menstruation, criminal activities. Best remedies to form your Mars Benefic are:
Worship Lord Ganesha every morning
Keep fast on Tuesdays
Wearing Red Coral Gemstone is very recommend
Donate some food to the poor every morning during a copper vessel
Immerse Jaggery within the flowing water
Always carry a Red color handkerchief or napkin.
Recite Gayatri Mantra whenever you are feeling low or weak

Mercury may be a youthful planet that rules over your intelligence, skills, and wisdom. Bad placement of the Mercury leads to teeth-related problems, a decrease in sexual tendency, weak systema nervosum, problems in speech and communication. to beat the bad planetary effects of Mercury, follow these remedies:
Worship Lord Vishnu
Feed cows with green grass or fodder
Donate milk and rice to any temple nearby
Wearing Emerald Gemstone is very recommended
Provide gifts to the unmarried girls
Maintain good relations together with your cousins and siblings

Jupiter is Guru and represents teachers, education, and grasping abilities. If Jupiter is present in the 6th, 8th, or 12th houses, it can cause a negative impact on the natives who may need to face several difficulties. you would possibly face an enormous loss in business, frequent hair fall, problems in marriage, etc. the simplest remedies to form your Sun strong are:
Wear saffron or yellow-colored clothes on Thursdays
Apply a mix of saffron and turmeric paste on your forehead.
Wearing Yellow Sapphire Gemstone is very recommend
Worship Peepal tree on a daily basis
Eat yellow colored fruits especially Bananas
Wear a solid gold neck.
Venus represents beauty, pleasure, romance, and also a significator of relationships. However, if your Venus is weak you’ll face problems together with your wife, skin diseases, problems in sleep, low sperm count, diabetes, etc. so as to form your Venus strong, here are few remedies for you:
Worship Goddess Laxmi
Consume more Ghee and Amla
Donate a cow to charity.
Always keep a coin in your pocket
Try to maintain an honest relationship together with your wife
Wear clean white clothes.

Saturn or Shani is that the God of Karma that represents discipline and diligence. However, the conjunction of Saturn with the Sun creates tons of problems in your life. Malefic Saturn can cause accidents, frequent hair fall, illness & weight loss, fast aging, loss in business. Some remedies to urge obviate the bad planetary effects of Saturn are:
Recite the Mantra of Lord Shani on a regular basis
Feed the birds with water or some light food for 21 days
Pour mustard oil or alcohol on the ground within the morning after sunrise or sunset.
Completely avoid eating non-vegetarian
Mostly wear dark green clothes
Do not drink milk during the nights.

In Vedic Astrology, Rahu is taken into account because of the shadow planet and forwards an individual towards all the virtual & materialist stuff. However, if Rahu is Malefic it promotes quarrels at the workplace, sleepless nights, problems crazy life, loss of employment. Some Astrological remedies to beat the bad planetary effects of Rahu are:
Worship Lord Shiva and recite Laghu Rudra on a regular basis
Worship Goddess Durga to grace Rahu
Keep sugar in your bag under your pillow when sleeping.
Wear navy-colored clothes mostly
Always mix a cup of milk to water whenever you’re taking a shower
Donate some food to the poor within the silver plate every morning

Ketu is that the second shadow planet after Rahu and represents spirituality, motivation, meditation, and selflessness. However, Malefic Ketu can create pain in the knees, stones in the kidneys, urinal problems, lack of religion in religion, etc. The best Astrological remedies for Ketu are:
Donate white and black blankets made from wool during a religious site or temple.
Worship Lord Shiva
Donate sweet food to orphans
Wear Yellow or Lemon colored clothes
Eat food mostly on silver plates
Perform Ganesh Pooja, it helps to get rid of the negative effects of Ketu
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