Medical Astrology is that the branch of the Astrology that deals with Health and Longevity issues. Each sign and every planet are related to variety of possible diseases. So it’s going to be said that the native could also be suffering from such disease or diseases. In my opinion the function of the astrologer ends with saying that the actual a part of the body are going to be sensitive to acute or chronic disease. Only the medical doctor alone is competent authority to call the disease.
The 6th house denotes the sickness, 8th house surgery, death, and 12th house hospitalization. Disease is indicated by 6, danger by 8, and defect by 12. If the sub lord of 12th cusp is in 6, the house of disease, and if the sub lord is within the constellation of the earth occupying or owning 6 or 8 or 12 it’s definite that one will have the defect from the time when the significators conjointly operate. If the sub lord of the ascendant is within the constellation of the significator of 6 or 8 or 12 then one suffers from disease or danger or hospitalization. the subsequent houses represent health issues within the astrology chart:
Sixth house within the astrology chart is understood because the ‘house of sicknesses’. It indicates disease and sickness. The health will break down only one runs the mahadashas or Bhuktis of planets connected with the 6th house. Planets in any manner connected to the 6th house need to cause disease. Hence in their conjoined periods they produce such results. Any planet can own the 6th house or occupy the constellation or sub of lord of 6. Therefore, all planets are capable of causing ailment.

Eighth house within the astrology chart is taken into account to possess direct bearing upon one’s longevity or span of life during this world. it’s necessary to think about 1st and 3rd house also additionally to the 8th house for longevity. The 8th home is called the ‘house of death’, the top of life during this world. Eighth house has got to do with misfortune, mental anxiety, accident, surgery, suicide, and danger from disease.
Twelfth house within the astrology chart is that the house of hospitalization, confinement, imprisonment, loss by marriage, loss of wife, loss of any kind, expenses, donations, charity work, secret enemies, deception, and repayment of loan.
For cure, consider the first , 5th, and 11th. 1st – health, 5th is 12th to the 6th or absence of sickness, 11th is 12th to 12 – or absence of bedridden sickness. Whenever one suffers from any disease, one are going to be running the amount of the earth connected with 6th house. He can expect cure during the sub period of the earth connected with ascendant or 5th house or 11th house. A Virgo born are going to be sick once they run the amount of a planet in Scorpio, in Saturn star, and sun sub. the subsequent houses represent cure from disease or healthiness within the astrology chart:
First house or the Ascendant is usually a crucial house when it involves the health of the native. It also indicates native’s physical stature, vitality and vigor. If the ascendant cusp lord and therefore the ascendant lord are well placed by house, nakshatras, aspect and conjunction, it gives healthiness to the native.
Fifth home is the house of cure or absence of sickness because it is 12th house to the 6th house of sickness and disease. In other words, 5th house negate 6th house matters, that’s sickness and disease. During the amount of the planets connected with the 5th house, the health of the native improves, and that they find cure if they need any health issues.
Planets in any manner connected with 11th house cure disease as 11th is that the 6th to the 6th. nobody can have a cure from the chronic disease, if there’s no planet within the 11th house, no planet within the constellation of the owner or occupant of 11th house and if the 11th cusp and therefore the lord of the 11th are within the sub of evil planets. Horoscopes of sick people reveal that the lords of the dasas which they experienced they contracted disease are beat the sub of lord of 6, and therefore the 11th home is not strong. Lord of 11 and 1 also are spoiled. 11th house which is 12th to the 12th house governs discharge from the hospital.

Each sign and every planet are related to variety of possible diseases. Planets in movable signs cause disease of short duration; Common signs indicate neither short nor long. Fixed signs threaten disease of prolonging, chronic, and tedious nature. If planets are afflicted in movable or cardinal signs they affect head, stomach, kidneys and skin. Diseases, for instance , cerebrospinal meningitis , epilepsy, sudden unconsciousness (apoplexy); stomach trouble, cancer; kidney and liver troubles; rheumatism, gout and colds or chills. Afflictions in fixed signs affect throat, heart, urine-genital organs and blood. Diseases, for instance , tonsillitis, diphtheria, heart troubles, spinal ailments, piles, stones, ailments regarding urinary and generative organs; blood disease s. Afflictions in common or mutable signs affect lungs, intestines, nerves and digestion. It represents diseases, for instance , TB, bronchitis, asthma, intestinal diseases, rheumatism; dropsy, scurvy.
Aries: Head, brain, face
Taurus: Throat, neck, lips, ears
Gemini: Lungs, hands, arms, shoulders
Cancer: Stomach, breasts, chest, digestive organs, ribs, elbows
Leo: Heart, back, spine, wrists, forearms.
Virgo: Intestines, lower spine, fingers, abdomen, spleen
Libra: Kidneys, skin, lumbar region
Scorpio: Urinary and generative organs, bladder, anus, pelvis, nose, appendix
Sagittarius: Hips, thighs, nerves, arteries
Capricorn: Knees, joints, bones, teeth, skin
Aquarius: Legs, ankles, circulation of blood
Pisces: Feet, toes,

Sun: Heart, back, spleen, blood, brain, right eye of a person , left eye of a lady , vitality
Moon: Stomach, uterus, ovaries, breasts, saliva, left eye of a person , right eye of a lady
Mercury: Nerves, mind, brain, tongue, speech, lungs, hands, arms, ears, hair
Venus: Throat, internal generative organs, kidneys, ovaries, complexion, reins, veins, cheeks
Mars: External generative organs, rectum, Nose, fore-head, gall bladder, muscles, bile
Jupiter: Liver, arteries, hip bones, feet, thighs, arteries, right ear
Saturn: Bones, gall bladder, skin, left ear, joints, teeth, spleen,
Ascendant: The degree rising on the cusp of the Ascendant is of great importance in judging the health. It rules the body. The bodily strength and its power of resisting disease could also be judged. from the Ascendant. Health suffers when the sub lord of the ascendant is within the constellation of the significator of 6 or 8 or 12. If the sub lord of the Ascendant is within the star of the occupant of the first or the 11th, the health is normal. f the sub lord of the ascendant is within the star of the occupant or owner of the 6th (disease and sickness), the 8th (danger to life), or the 12th (bedridden illness), this is often not good for matters of health.
Sun: It rules the vitality, constitution of the body.
Moon: It rules the functional system of the body. it’s of primary importance within the case of a toddler . it’s a really important significator of health within the chart of a lady .
Sixth House:
it’s a house of sickness, ailments and diseases. Disease is judged from the check in the cusp of the 6th house, planets within the 6th house, ruler of the 6th house, and planets connected with the 6th house.
Thus Sun, Moon, Ascendant, the ruler of the Ascendant, the ruler of the 6th house, planets within the 6th house, and planets connected with the 6th house are the significators of health. Saturn when afflicted within the astrology chart causes diseases for want of proper nourishment, chronic and lingering ailments, dislocations, sprains, falls, blows, rheumatism, colds, chills, bruises. Mars when afflicted within the astrology chart causes sharp and sudden diseases, accidents, surgeries, fevers, inflammatory diseases. Jupiter when afflicted within the astrology chart causes liver trouble, gout, blood disorder, ailments arising from excessive eating and indiscretion in diet. Mental instability or madness is judged from the afflictions to moon and mercury by the malefics. Mercury rules speech and hearing. If sun and moon are afflicted, eyes are weak. Mars denotes operations, sharp and sudden diseases. Saturn lingering diseases like gangrene, paralysis.
If you want to show your horoscope, contact us for appointment:
Astrologer Sahu Ji
Contact: 9039636706 | 8656979221
428, 4th Floor, Orbit Mall, Vijay Nagar, Indore
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