Planet Sun is taken into account together of the foremost powerful planets in Vedic Astrology and an individual can do tons in life if it’s placed during a beneficial house in their Kundli. But, it also can deduct everything from an individual if it’s placed during a malefic house with an enemy planet. Suns in several houses will affect the native in several ways.

Sun in all Houses
Sun in 1st House
Planet Sun is taken into account together of the foremost powerful planets in Vedic Astrology and an individual can do tons in life if it’s placed during a beneficial house in their Kundli. But, it also can deduct everything from an individual if it’s placed during a malefic house with an enemy planet. Suns in several houses will affect the native in several ways.
Sun in 2nd House
Planet Sun within the 2nd house makes the native generous and compassionate. Such people wish to be very successful in money-related matters. The efforts of those people get tons of appreciation and respect. they need great leadership skills and sometimes possess a high position during a company. Their great leadership qualities also help them in accumulating wealth.
Sun in 3rd House
If planet Sun is posited within the 3rd house of an individual’s kundali then such a person usually speaks tons. These people usually love traveling and their social circle includes very influential people. Considering their educational aspects and interests, they’re inclined more towards drama and acting. They also love doing creative work and haven’t any interest in mathematics and science.
Sun in 4th House
The 4th house during a native’s Kundli is of family, possessions, property, etc. If Planet Sun is within the 4th house then it increases the interest of the people in matters associated with property and family. Such an individual will work for maintaining his/her property, family’s welfare, and social station. Sun within the fourth house also gives the native increased vitality and strength within the latter half of life.
Sun in 5th House
consistent with astrology prediction the 5th house represents children and one’s creativity level. it’s an exquisite placement of the Sun because it gives bends the person more towards art and wonder. Such an individual can do exceptionally well during a field associated with any art like acting. they need a robust desire to prove themselves in creativity be it sports, romance, writing, and in fact drama.
Sun in 6th House
If planet Sun is posited within the 6th house then it’s favorable for the native’s career. If the earth Sun is placed during this benefic house then the native will become committed to its work, disciplined, confident, focused, etc. And as a result, he/she will have a successful work life. But, this may make it difficult for them to match with the mindset of others and that they won’t be ready to add teams.
Sun in 7th House
consistent with astrology, it’s believed that Planet Sun within the 7th home is not considered as auspicious. If Planet Sun is posited during this house then it affects the connection and partnerships of an individual. When Planet Sun is during this house then it blesses the native with healthiness and confidence to tackle adverse situations of life. But, on the opposite hand, it takes away all the happiness and peace of an individual because it affects one’s relationship and marriage.
Sun in 8th House
If Planet Sun is posited within the 8th house then the native becomes popular and intellectual. If the Sun is placed during a benefic house then it gives the individual courage and potential to affect situations. Planet Sun encourages the individual to explore the planet and understand the different mindsets of individuals. Such individuals can easily bond with people and also help them as guides in several situations.
Sun in 9th House
If Planet sun is posited within the 9th house then it enhances the knowledge and spirituality of a private. These individuals will have great respect for various cultures and heritage and have an interest in learning different languages. Overall, Sun within the Ninth House is often beneficial in terms of gains and victories for the native. The favorable placement of the Sun will push the native towards and towards his purpose in life.
Sun in 10th House
In Astrology, the 10th house during a natives Kundli represents Career and therefore the aspects associated with it. Such an individual will generally have a high position during a company. The positioning of the earth Sun also will affect relations with the daddy. The Sun’s position, whether good or bad, will have a consequent effect on their relationship.
Sun in the 11th House
If Planet Sun is posited within the 11th house of a person’s horoscope with a friendly planet like Jupiter then the person is going to be ready to accumulate more wealth. As this house represents one’s income. If the Sun is placed during a benefit house then it indicates education, prosperous business, and an honest social circle. The native also becomes wise, successful, and healthy by this planetary position.
Sun in the 12th House
If planet Sun is posited within the 12th house of a native’s kundali then it’s not in the least good from the materialistic point of you but it bends the person more towards spiritualism and self-introspection. Such an individual generally walks on a spiritual path to seek out the aim of life. This planetary position may help the person find the aim of life but it’ll not be of any use to strengthen the career prospects.
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