Best Astrologer in India

Best Astrologer in India, here the best astrologer sahu ji has given the some article to astrology friends to learn and apply rules in routine life to improve. Best Astrology Blogs – Best Astrologer in India


Mobile Numerology

Nature has everything aside from the word NO. All that exists in nature and the universe draws an impact on our lives somehow. Like planets and their conjunctions, numbers and their blends pour significant tones in our reality. Questions like Hey, what is your fortunate number? or then again explanations like damn ya, this 13 number is so unfortunate for me, are so exceptionally basic around us. Not embracing […]

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Astrological Remedies to Bring Happiness in Your Home

Astrological Remedies to Bring Happiness in Your Home

Every last one of us continues to invest amounts of energy to add a little additional measure of satisfaction and joy at our home. All things considered, the affection among relatives, energy, wellbeing, great vibes, and thriving is the thing that makes a home little living paradise on earth for each family. Generally, our people had many approaches to avert all the pessimism and welcome goodness. Indeed, in the

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Vastu Tips For Factory

A well-structured factory is perhaps can’t grant all-round contentment to the owner in terms of wealth, health, peace, employees, and labor. the location on which the factory is being constructed is the primary aspect and contributing think about the success of the factory. the most objective of each business is earning profit however if this goal isn’t achieved through one or the opposite reason then one must suspect Vastu. Vastu of the factory helps to detect problems at the site by analysing it thoroughly and properly with

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pitru bhoj

कैसे मिलता है पितरों को भोजन? (Pitra Bhoj)

जाने, कैसे मिलता है पितरों को भोजन? साथ में जानिए श्राद्ध करने से मिलते हैं कौन से लाभ ? प्राय: कुछ लोग यह शंका करते हैं कि श्राद्ध में समर्पित की गईं वस्तुएं पितरों को कैसे मिलती है? कर्मों की भिन्नता के कारण मरने के बाद गतियां भी भिन्न-भिन्न होती हैं। कोई देवता, कोई पितर, कोई प्रेत, कोई हाथी, कोई चींटी, कोई वृक्ष और कोई तृण बन जाता है।

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nadi astrology astrologer in indore

Need to Know About Nadi Astrology

jyotishi Nadi astrology basically refers to an ancient system of astrology that was prevalent within the southern states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu during the period . it’s supported the concept that the learned ancient sages who had anticipated the events of future have already jotted down their predictions about the humanity . It is believed that the longer term of each individual are often predicted with the assistance of the knowledge written on the palm leaves. This astrology is so old that it’s been given a special place within the world of

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सर्वपितृ अमावस्या का ख़ास महत्व, जानें क्यों?

पितृ विसर्जनी अमावस्या, सर्वपितृ अमावस्या, आश्विन अमावस्या महत्व सभी अमावस्या में इस दिन का है सबसे ख़ास महत्व होता हैं। इस अमावस्या की सबसे ख़ास बात यह है कि यह पितृपक्ष में आती है जिस के चलते इस अमावस्या का महत्व कई गुना बढ़ जाता है। 2024 में अश्विन अमावस्या कब है और क्या है इसका शुभ मुहूर्त? आइये जानते हैं। पितृ विसर्जनी अमावस्या / सर्वपितृ अमावस्या / आश्विन

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vastu tips for peace and happiness

Vastu Tips for Peace & Happiness

If you’ve got a figure of Lord Buddha, place it within the northeast Vastu zone of your house. once you place the symbol of a spiritually elevated person like Lord Buddha, it sends a message to your house that you simply want to urge connected together with your higher self!  Place the symbols A pair of white horses placed within the northwest zone of your home can help facilitate support, sort of a loan. Wind chimes are often hung within the north, northwest, and west Vastu zones. within the north, place a

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remedy for overcome depression

Astrological Remedies for overcoming Depression

Depression may be a common but serious mood disorder. In medical terminology, it is often defined as a serious depressive disorder or clinical depression. 10 out of 9 people within the world are affected by depression. It exists within but very difficult to diagnose. In other words, depression may be a serious mental disturbance that slowly and slowly makes an individual confined and isolated from the outer world. A frequent mood swing also indicates an onset of depression. Severe depression makes an individual highly gloomy, negative, and no

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Sun effect in different houses of Kundli

Planet Sun is taken into account together of the foremost powerful planets in Vedic Astrology and an individual can do tons in life if it’s placed during a beneficial house in their Kundli. But, it also can deduct everything from an individual if it’s placed during a malefic house with an enemy planet. Suns in several houses will affect the native in several ways. Sun in all Houses Sun

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उँगलियों से जाने अपना भविष्य

हस्तरेखा सामुद्रिक शास्त्र का प्रमुख भाग है। ज्योतिष शास्त्र के हस्तरेखा विज्ञान में अंगुलियों का भी अत्यधिक महत्वपूर्ण स्थान होता है। हाथ की अंगुलियों में व्यक्ति का भविष्य छिपा होता है। किसी भी व्यक्ति के हाथ के गहन अध्ययन द्वारा उस व्यक्ति के भूत, भविष्य और वर्तमान तीनों कालों के बारे में आसानी जानकारी दी जा सकती है। ज्योतिष शास्त्र में हस्तरेखा विज्ञान के अनुसार अंगुलियों के द्वारा व्यक्ति

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