There are Four Components of a birth chart or Kundli: Houses are the domain of our life where the energies of the planet and sign operate. Houses are always fixed and constant. Signs are the sectors that fall in several houses as per the ascendant. Each sign lies but 30 degrees only. Planets: Planets are the energies representing the desire of God on human life and that they operate through houses by having the lordship of check-in astrology. Ascendant: Ascendant is that the sign which was rising at the Eastern Horizon at the time of your birth. The sign falling within the 1st house of your Horoscope is understood as your ascendant. Description of homes in astrology 1st House: self, appearance, attitude, body, and gains through self-efforts. A planet placed within the first house shows the type of attitude we’ve, how we appear, and therefore the quality we possess. 2nd house: family, childhood, money accumulated, banking, the food we eat, speech. A planet placed within the second house shows the source of our income, quite the food habits we possess, and the quality of our speech

.3rd house: marketing, younger, sibling, printing, communication, media, short travel, attraction hobbies, writing. Planets placed in 3rd house shows the strength of our will, courage, hobbies we’ve, what one expresses and communicates, siblings especially the younger ones. 4th house: mother, early education, home, land, vehicle, domestic atmosphere, immovable assets. A planet placed within the 4th house describes one’s mind and thoughts, quite a domestic atmosphere inside the house, luxury in the house. 5th house: love feeling, solutions, advising, entertainment, children, learning, creativity, Mantra, speculation. Planets within the 5th house show what one wants to find out, good karma accumulated from the past life, deepest interest and keenness, and first child. 6th house: loans, litigation, enemy, competition, job, service, disease, maternal uncle. Planets within the 6th house show the type of disease one can have, where one is often imbalanced causing opposition, fights, and obstacles.
7th house: Spouse, Partner, worldly interaction, daily sale, or mercantile establishment. Planets placed in the 7th house show the standard and appearance of your partner and one’s relationship generally. 8th house: Occult, lottery, chronic disease, surgery sudden gain, sudden loss, unearned money, depression, technical work, factory production, humiliation, inheritance, suicidal tendencies, procrastination, sham Shan. Planets placed within the 8th house shows one’s process of transformation and alter, other people’s money especially spouses, chronic illness, and explanation for death. 9th house: Religion, law, education, insights, Guru, Father, long-distance travel, Internet, grandparents, Ancestors (Pitra), luck, Higher Learning. A planet placed in the 9th house describes one’s religion, spiritual tradition, and guru. 10th house: Fame Status Karma politics government recognition branding. A planet placed in the 10th house describes one’s profession, authorities’ action, and public influence. 11th house: fulfillment, gains and profits, friend circle, philanthropic institution, NGO clubs, societies. A planet placed in the 11th house describes one’s source of gains support from influential people, groups, and organizations.

12th house: Investment, expenditure, mall, foreign, meditation, jail, Hospital, research, import and export, innovation, charity. A planet placed within the 12th house describes one’s source of expenditure, losses, the pursuit of spiritual liberation, and bed pleasures. Description of Planets Sun: Soul (Atma Karaka), Govt., Father, Authority and leadership, Charisma, Vitality, Health, Ego, and soul purpose. The placement of the Sun in your horoscope shows the world of your life where your soul wants to be, where you’ll shine and become famous, an area where you’ll experience authority, and also the world where you’ll be arrogant and become egoistic. Moon: Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions, attitude, Mother, Mind, Memory, Sleep, Imagination, General happiness, and Peace of mind. The placement of the Moon in your birth chart shows the world of life about which you think that frequently, you’re curious about, and therefore the area where you’re most comfortable. Mars: Energy, Strength, Anger, Conflict, younger sibling, weapons, Accidents, Litigation, debts, Landed property.
The placement of Mars in your horoscope shows the living area where you’re very active, an area where you are feeling energetic, an area of conflicts, and passion. Mercury: Intellect, Intelligence, Speech, Networking, Communication, Writing, Acting, and short distance travels. Placement of mercury shows the areas of your life where we use our intellect communicate our ideas and use our intelligence. Jupiter: Wealth, fortune, dharma, religion, knowledge, higher wisdom, ethics, morals, long-distance travel, teaching, Guru, Father, traditions. The placement of Jupiter in your birth chart tells us the trail of our growth, where we’ll be getting wealth and opportunities and therefore the area we get wisdom. Saturn: Focus, Misfortune, grief, separation, longevity, limitation, responsibility, discomfort, limitation, shame guilt anxiety. The placement of Saturn in your chart shows the world where we feel restricted, face the highest challenges, an area where we are disciplined, an area where we will exerting and be fearful. Venus: Beauty, Love, Passion, Wife, Clothes, Vehicles, Marital Happiness, Harmony, Nature, Pets, and animals.
The placement of Venus in your chart shows the world where we experience love and harmony, where we express creatively. Rahu: Unorthodoxy, rebellion, confusion, attention, propaganda, new technology, grandparents, sudden changes, ups, and downs. Rahu’s placement in your chart shows the world of our strongest desires, attachment, and therefore the area where we will achieve our material ambitions. Ketu: Intention, Occultism (Tantra & Mantra), spirituality, detachment, isolation, liberation, or moksha. The placement of Ketu in our chart shows the world of our life where we feel detached, lack desire and knowledge doubt, and disillusionment. These are the essence of Vedic Jyotish that a beginner must get to realize. We will share more blogs soon to offer more thorough information about Vedic Jyotish. Best Astrologer in Delhi.
If you want to show your horoscope, contact us for appointment:
Astrologer Sahu Ji
Contact: 9039636706 | 8656979221
428, 4th Floor, Orbit Mall, Vijay Nagar, Indore
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